by Courtney Lockhart
"Falcon: How do we know the good guys from the bad?
Captain America: If they are shooting at you, they’re bad."
If you want to really simplify things, that line from the trailer sums up Captain America: The Winter Soldier almost perfectly. The movie presents that concept with great action, wonderful performances and all the hallmarks of a Marvel movie you expect and long for.

I liked the first Captain America because it was as much a story of personal growth as it was about saving the world. The Winter Solider stays true to this spirit. We get to see Rogers’ mature as he realizes that it isn’t a simple matter of S.H.I.E.L.D good, everyone else bad. The heroes and villains all want the same thing: a better world, it’s how they go about trying to achieve it that is the problem.
Courtney Lockhart lives in the west end of Ottawa with her husband and step-cat. She is polishing her skills to pursue one of her dream careers as either a costume drama character, Torchwood operative or executive assistant to a billionaire vigilante. You can follow her daily mission to DFTBA on Twitter @corastacy.
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