About CGG

Capital Geek Girls is a universal (multi-universal, multi-dimensional) fan club for all girls who are into geeky things. Girls are geeks, too!

WHAT IS Capital Geek Girls?

CGG is a fan club for girls who love the geek world. Comic books, anime, RPG'S, cosplay, Magic The Gathering, SciFi, Dr Who, zombie fanaticism, and cult TV shows…and just about anything else geeky

WHY Capital Geek Girls?

CGG encourages the inclusion and engagement of geek girls in all areas of geekiness. Let’s face it: sometimes it’s hard to be a geeky girl! CGG gathers information on geeky events, news, and other adventures that may be relevant and exciting for us gals. CGG aims to get girls proudly proclaiming their geek status, collecting what they love, playing what they love, and attending events that they love. CGG also strives to find and highlight geek happenings and social changes that are girl-friendly and/or girl-centric.

WHO IS Capital Geek Girls?

Any girl and female-identified person can be part of CGG; just ‘like’ the Facebook page, and follow the blog-azine so you’ll keep up to date on the happenings. Then you can walk the walk: support CGG-approved businesses, fly your geek flag, and stand up for geeky girls wherever you are.

Our official headquarters is The Comic Book Shoppe on Bank Street in Ottawa, Ontario. The Bank St Shoppe has been a forerunner in geek inclusiveness. 

CGG was started by a geek girl named Jordan who was ready to see ladies really OWN their place in the world of geekdom.

Capital Geek Girls AND BOYS

Geek girls have no problem with boys, and boys are welcome to join the CGG fanpage as long as they are:
-respectful of women
-respectful and understanding of the challenges of being a geek girl
-not here to pick up, harass, or pursue
-interested in keeping up to date on the geek girl revolution!


‘Like’ the CGG Facebook page, and choose ‘get notifications’ to stay in the loop!
Subscribe to the blog-azine via email or a feed (link is in the side column right on this site!).

Keep in touch with the President via her Twitter (@girlcrafted) and her home blog, GirlCrafted.com

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